Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My next and last photo shoot

I am so excited for this one.
Instead of recreating someone else's image, Mrs. Spence suggested I do a shoot with myself as myself wearing clothes and jewelry that are symbolic of me. Doing my hair in my favorite way, as well as my make up.

I'm planning to do it in a field of flowers--probably at the plantations.

I am so excited to do this shoot!

What I have done, what I need to get done

This is going to be a pretty straight forward post.
I'll even use fancy headers so you dont get confused!

What I Have done

  1. Participated in 7 photo shoots
  2. Planned my next (and last) photo shoot for this Thursday 
  3. Found my place of choice to hold my presentation
  4. Written my narrative assignment (however I plan on editing it)
  5. Come to some pretty crazy conclusions about what I like and do not like about the modeling/fashion world. Not simply just through my project, but it definitely has aided me in forming my opinions. 

What I Still Have to do

  1. Have my last photo shoot (this Thursday.)
  2. Send in my funding proposal. Most likely tonight.
  3. Once Thursday's shoot is done, complete, and edited, I must send all of my photos to mpix.com and have them printed as well as corked so I can hang them up. This will be about $200. 
  4. Write my bibliography and hand everything in to my evaluators.
  5. I should probably figure out who my peer evaluators are, huh?
  6. Decide how I will be presenting my project. Organize it. 

Luke's Presentation

To start things off....his presentation was good....like....really good.
So good that I absolutely found myself wanting to play the harmonica the whole time he was presenting.

The monologue going through my head during Luke's presentation:

Wow, this is amazing.
He's really good at harmonica.
How am I supposed to present something this well?
How am I supposed to present my project in an organized way as it is?
This kid has awesome hair.
I have to talk to George.
I have to talk to Mrs. Spence.
I'm not blogging enough.
I really should be blogging more.
I'm going to blog when I get home!
Am I actually going to blog when I get home?
I really want to play video games when I get home...
I should really blog the second that I get home though.
Maybe I'll meet with George and Mrs. Spence at the same time.
...no that wont work..conflicting schedules.
I should do my next shoot this thursday definitely.

And repeat..

Well guys, here I am. My blog won the battle tonight!

In all seriousness though, Luke's presentation was absolutely amazing. I hope to have one half as good as his.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happiness Revisited

When I feel most happy..
I am laying comfortably in a hammock, in a car, in my toasty bed, reading a book that I love.
I wake up in the morning and see my handsome boyfriend's cute little smile he makes in his sleep.
I can sit peacefully, in an open, spacious area, in the grass, in a chair, on the floor, and not have a single worry in the world.
I am at Camp Bisco. (look it up, its the bomb)
I am driving around in the car with my elementary school best friends, gossiping about stupid things.

Responding to the article:
I think it's amazing how sharp and yet fuzzy this man's view on happiness is. I do agree with it, mostly. He found that people were most happy when they were doing something strenuous, hard, something that they loved but it took every cell in them to complete it. I definitely admit to feeling the same in that regard. I also find myself at my 100% happiest, when I am calm and worry free...not doing anything.

Where I am on the flow chart:
I am very much on the left and high side of anxiety. I constantly worry, and maybe that's why it is such a treat and utter bliss when I am not worrying. This has stayed pretty constant through my project, with it's highest points and it's lowest points, however now that I have recognized it ( I started looking in to it last week) I am learning how to tackle my worry and stress and anxiety. I am slowly creeping to the right zone of the flow chart.

How I can achieve flow:
I simply need to get my s!@# together. I am learning to feel better about myself and my life and my every day tasks, and that in itself is making me feel much better. I need to do things that make me happy and make me smile, and laugh, and forget about my worries. I am doing just that.

Responding to Deadlines

I thought this article had a lot of valuable information, and some that I did not agree with. I have always been a fan of declaring something that I need to do out loud to someone, especially if you find them attractive or have a crush on them...it always helps. It's the only way I motivate myself to go to the gym.

I DON'T however, agree that you should find someone harsh to make sure you are doing what you need to do....it is YOUR responsibility, and yours alone. It is no one else's job to take care of your dead lines. I set alarms on my phone like crazy to remind myself of deadlines and times and things I NEED to get done...you should see the calendar on my phone.

I am usually really good about deadlines because I worry too much and I force myself to take care of things the second they are given to me.

My Favorite Shoot

I was marilyn last week. 
Let me just say, it was quite the honor. 

Modeling for this shoot felt really natural to me. It didn't take longer than half an hour, and I felt so graceful, so elegant. 

I really want to post the photo I took to my blog, as I have already texted it to all of my friends, however, I will restrain myself and wait until my gallery!

I Hate Using My Computer

Let me be the first to admit that I do not blog 3 times a week. 
sometimes I go a whole week without blogging at all...

Although blogging for Wise is not my favorite....at all...When I do blog, I am bursting with information and excitement to be posting, and isn't that what blogging is supposed to be all about? 

I love each and every post I write, and I publish them with the idea that I am sending MY gift of the knowledge they contain, to my lovely readers and out into the world. 

I love my project. 
I love getting dolled up and pretending to be different people all the time.
I love being the reason a photo makes sense.
Without me, these photos simply are light reflecting off of some backdrop paper and maybe a prop or two. 
I give every photo meaning just by getting dolled up and sitting there and smiling, scowling, or flirtatiously gazing with my two eyes directly into one larger one.  

So Tough

Can't wait to be this lady tomorrow at George's! 
It looks to me like it will be pretty easy.

Rosie the Riveter

Behind the Scenes

My Boyfriend tagged along for my Barbie shoot (he was in it as Ken, ofcourse!) and he got a few good shots of what it looks like behind the scenes at a shoot. 

It's really easy to forget sometimes how much work people put in to what seems like an effortless outcome. Fortunately for me, the Barbie shoot took no more than half an hour!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Holding on to comfort

This post is identifying a place and time where I've held on to my comfort zone, which prevents me from learning and has and will hold me back.

-I am really close and comfortable with my photographer. I don't feel like I am under any pressure when I am shooting with him.

-I also am extremely comfortable in front of a camera. I'm not sure how I could change that--perhaps a different photographer (not that I would even want to!) or a different setting

-modeling in itself makes me really comfortable. It is really soothing for me.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

In response to a response...

I will be responding to the response a woman wrote about my blog.
Her name is Meggie. I have no idea who she is. 

She suggested I take more pictures (and post them) of the random bits in my project; however, I have a really difficult time posting random unnecessary things to my blog. I believe every post should have meaning behind it.

She mentioned that she believes I am doing a lot of the work and I am just not showing it. The only idea I could derive from that is posting the final images I create from the shoots. I don't want to reveal them to a lot of people until my gallery in June. I want it to be a surprise to everyone. 

Meggie mentioned she believe's I am aware of what my blog is missing....
I don't think anything is missing. It is my blog behind my character. I am creating it completely out of my own mind, using my ideas and thoughts in all of my posts. How can anyone judge or tell me that my thoughts and ideas are right or wrong?

I do like the idea of having someone video tape a shoot. I might do that this wednesday!

I do admit that I occasionally am struck with a bought of procrastination; however, I always do twice the work in the next shoot or the next week to compensate. I am accomplishing a lot, and perhaps it is not easy to see or tell, and maybe that is something I have to be a little bit more clear on. I definitely do not want to put the photos up though. 

I'm not going to sugar coat it

I don't really like blogging for WISE.

I'm not sure if it's because I have to go out of my way to blog, 
or that we're supposed to meet some fancy blog post quota every week, 
or the mere fact that I don't really like being on the computer.

To me, it's not enjoyable to blog about random crap that I KNOW people don't really care about--

Like the fact that I found the chair I am going to use for my Marilyn Monroe shoot this wednesday, or even that I am doing that shoot wednesday at all.

Perhaps it's an insecurity I possess-- I don't want to post anything I know wont interest people. Anything I know people will not comment on and smile when they read. 

Perhaps I'm just lazy. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Partner read (pt. 2)

I read through the beautiful Julia John's blog tonight and I am blown away and a tad jealous....her blog is really really good. I know this post is supposed to be full of constructive criticism, but man.... I can't find one thing wrong with her blog. She is so descriptive, and all of her posts are really long and full of pictures with full detailed descriptions. It is very easy to read, as well as extremely interesting!

Partner Read

On the back of the "out of the rut" page, Mrs. Lord (or whoever typed this paper up) wrote "If you find yourself focusing on your project on an intimate level--very detailed, make sure to occasionally take a step back and address the macro or 'big picture' side of things."

What are the implications for your project on a career scale? 
Realistically: the chances of me following my project (on a broader spectrum) into a career, are slim to none. I am a mere 5'1 when PETITE models are at least 5'5-5'6
However, my project WILL provide me with insight of what craziness model's go through, and, going into the fashion industry, this information could be very valuable down the road--or it could simply just be something awesome to put on my resume and my college applications.

In what way does your project matter (or not!) in the larger scheme of things?
I can give two answers to this, one being very biased, and one being very general.
Biased: To me, pop culture has SO much influence on our world, on our government, our economy, our society, community, the way we treat people, EVERYTHING. In the larger scheme of things, this is another piece of art being put out into the world that can change someone, can affect someone, influence someone, my art could be someone's inspiration. My art could make people happy and feel...things.
General: This project, to an every day person who lives day to day that doesn't really have a negative feeling towards pop culture and art but doesn't hype about it like I do, might not really care. Some people could look at my art and simply just wonder what the hell they are looking at and why.

The gift of individual interpretation is pretty damn amazing.

What's a broader view or perspective on what you find yourself doing frequently?
I am always singing, or stepping waltz's and tap moves in the lunch line. I love putting on clothes and taking them off every night before I go to sleep, I love self improvement--be it mentally, physically, emotionally. I love bettering myself and thinking; I, every second of every single day, have a very detailed, very curious and in depth monologue that rolls through my head at all times. These all can tie in to perfecting my project.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The long lost search for a stupid chair

Hey guys!

My next shoot is going to be of the beautiful Marilyn Monroe--my favorite photograph of her ever!


So George and I have been searching high and low for a stupid chair, and after a few weeks of searching, I discovered one that I have seen every day for two years! It is actually the foot rest of a chair in my art room! Funny how blind you can be to something right under your nose!

For this shoot, I'll be needing what I believe is called a petty coat? Or something very similar to it.
I will need a white strapless top which I already own, and I'll be needing red nail polish and red lipstick. 

I am not sure how I will be getting my hair like this, or if I will have to buy a wig yet! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Im a Barbie girl

Don't you just wish you could be her?

I got to be her for a day so HAH! This shoot was so so so much fun. 

Barbie was always one of my idols as a child and one of my favorite halloween costumes, so this shoot kind of came naturally to me. The first shot I did, was simply the head shot (as shown above.)

I used huuuuge fake eye lashes, hair sprayed my hair into perfect position, caked on two layers of foundation, swept pink eyeshadow over my lids, and sealed the look with hot pink lipstick! 

The second shoot I did, I had to have help from my amazing boyfriend Aidan Quest. (I am so lucky to have a boyfriend who was willing to do this!) 

He even let me kiss him on the cheek!

This I Believe

Today, in class, we listend to an audio reading of an essay a famous producer/director. (I forgot which one) He talked about how he really doesn't feel that he is living his life unless he is out of his comfort zone. He feel's as though he can not live a full and amazing life if he is not constantly pushing himself close to the edge.

I, to an extent, agree with this idea. I think that you will never experience new things if you are not pushing yourself. 

HOWEVER, sometimes pushing yourself too much can wear you down.

For instance:
I am absolutely terrified of heights, I am terrified of falling. I don't like feeling the large spike of adrenaline shooting through my veins. Skydiving is probably not a sport I should push myself to do. 

I think you can push yourself out of your comfort zone, but not too far--to the point where it is unhealthy for you. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Things are getting really, really exciting

This past week George and I drove out to a beautiful Greek revival home owned by the sweetest older couple. They used to raise clydesdales, but retired to just owning little shetland ponies.

(this is a shetland pony..they're like the corgis of ponies)

This house was where we chose (and kind of needed) to do our Grace Kelly shoot. 

This house had huge beams like the one Grace is leaning against in this photo. I unfortunately could not get a photo of the house because the owners didn't want their house to be easily identifiable in any of our photos. 

This shoot was particularly tricky because I was literally staring directly into the sunlight. I had to count to three with my eyes shut and then open them really wide, really quick, while maintaining posture, and calm. It was very hard to keep myself looking and feeling relaxed. 

Things aren't always as they seem

Hey guys! The last couple weeks have been hectic for me, so prepare for tons and tons of posts.
First off, I'd like to give a little insider on what actually happens behind the scenes and how things really are when George and I are shooting.

Most of the time, I am not fully garbed in everything that the person in the original photo is wearing. This photo is an example. Audrey Hepburn was wearing a cute little black dress, which I had, however; George's studio is so cold! I kept my pants and socks and my slippers on the whole shoot.

When people look at this photo, they see a beautiful Audrey Hepburn paired with pouty lips, a long cigarette holder, and her big beautiful eyes.

What a lot of people don't see is the shadow along her chin, the angle of it, the glimmer in her earrings, how intricate and tricky her hair actually could have been to create, the nude matte on her lips, the reflection of light in her brunette hair in correlation with the shadow along her chin, how her hand is holding her cigarette and at what angle, even the fact that she is holding it in her left hand, or the shape and contour around her nose.

When recreating these photos, George and I have to take into extremely close consideration of each and every little minor detail. Take a look at this photo again

George had set up so many reflectors and lights and stands just to create the right angles of shadows and reflections on my hair and face and body. Along with that, I had to turn and twist and be very very uncomfortable to get myself in the right angle!

There is a lot of improvisation of props. In my Coco Chanel shot, George actually ran to pier 1 and bought a round pillow that looked like the arm of a couch, only to return it the next day. In my Audrey Hepburn shot, I used a long skinny dowel as my cigarette holder. I painted it with silver nail polish (luckily I hated that one anyways) and it looked pretty perfect in comparison. In my Grace Kelly shoot, instead of wearing a beautiful, very expensive dress, I put on a nude tank top and a beaded scarf around my torso! This whole project is just one big puzzle, and I sometimes have to find some crazy ways to push through it!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

how my project plans have changed

The idea of my project in my head has changed quite a bit. Here's a list of the changes.

1. At the beginning, I had planned to produce one or two photographs every week. My life and Georges life is pretty busy, and sometimes we can't really sync up. Now we're down to one photo every two or one week. Luckily, this week I'm doing 3. 
2. I figured I would get in and get out when I went to George's. Not possible. These photos thus far have taken quite a bit of time and effort. 
3. I have been planning to do my Grace Kelly shoot for a month or two now, and the weather just hasn't been good enough to do it. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seven (pt. 2)

This is a list of seven things I want or need to know more about.
1. My top priority over break is to watch all the movies my photos originate from. Although I have seen a few of them, I'd still like to watch them all over again.
2. I'd really like to know a little bit more about some of my character's histories. I know a lot about Marilyn Monroe, and I have always ben fascinated with Barbie's history and how she came to be. Maybe I'll look for some books or documentaries over break.
3. I'd like to expand my photoshop skills. I have a little knowledge having taken my photoshop independent study, but I would really love to learn more. Not only for my project, but for college and for my future.
4. I'd like to maybe pick up a few photography skills along with this whole process. I believe this is a skill I could definitely benefit from in the future.

I honestly can not think of any other things I would like to or need to know more about. I'm sure that is definitely subject to change!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3 Things Spence should know

Spence being Mrs. Spence, my mentor.

1. I have definitely found myself in a little rut, but my plans for the week have guaranteed my digging myself out of said rut.
2. I haven't told her about the secret place I'm planning on holding my showing yet!
3. She might have access to a few of the materials I need to carry out a couple photographs! I'll ask her tomorrow!

My plans for this week

Here you are guys, my (crossing my fingers) plans up until Friday! I hope George knows what coming to him because I'm about to bring it!

why did i just say that.

This is my favorite photo of Marilyn Monroe 
Everything down to the red toes. Perfection.

The one lady who stuck by my side as a child. 
Why wouldn't I recreate her as myself?

Just to add to the photo, 
I will be adding my boyfriend who looks a lot like Ken to the mix as well!
Ps...we were Barbie and Ken for halloween!

Audrey Hepburn, straight out of Breakfast at Tiffany's!


yeah, hi. so. I will be needing these items for this week: -A long cigarette holder (Audrey Hepburn) -Bangs--I have no idea how I will pull that off. -A little black dress courtesy of my closet -Classy jewelry and a pretty sheer scarf (Grace Kelly) -A house with a greek post to pose against -Bangs again--Barbie. -My boyfriend to be available to be Ken in a portrait of Ken and Barbie -A Marilyn Monroe mole (self explanatory) -A tulle underskirt -A white strapless top OR a corset

Monday, March 25, 2013


This is a list of five people I think I should talk to about my project 1. The most important person is George Cannon, and to keep in contact with him for the remainder of my project. 2. The people in charge of the art gallery I will be showing my pieces in. 3. Gail Belokur who has a connection to the art gallery I will be showing my pieces in 4. Those who have agreed to be extra's in my photos 5. Student services to figure out how I will get George into my school for my Breakfast Club shoot.


This is a list of 7 things I'd like to accomplish in the next week:
1. Create the list of photos in order of what I would like to do from here on out.
2. Add TENTATIVE dates of when i'd like to shoot them, to said list of photos.
3. Figure out my extra's sizes for clothing for the breakfast club, ken of Barbie and ken, jack in the titanic, the two guys in some like it hot, and William in the photo of William and Kate.
4. Talk about funding for costumes for myself and my extras.
5. Take a trip to the salvo and the costume closet and come up with the outfits I need for myself and the outfits my extra's will need. 6. Have two to three shoots. 7. Get my art gallery plans set in motion (where I will be presenting my project)

Monday, March 18, 2013

It ain't easy being Coco.

Let me start off by saying that this project is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be.

If you haven't seen this photo already, this is Coco Chanel. I chose to recreate this image of her using myself as the model.

It was EXTREMELY difficult for George and I to figure out how the hell to do this one. This particular photo shoot took 2 hours. 
I have discovered quite a few things whilst trying to recreate this image.

1.Coco Chanel's arms are abnormally long. I couldn't pull my arm forward enough without turning my whole body around. 
2. If you turn your neck, it will get wrinkles. I have a small neck, and turning it at the slightest gave it the ugliest wrinkles. Thank god for photoshop.
3. Smoking is bad! 
4. There is no way she was actually looking directly at the camera, but close by it. As I tried to recreate this photo, I had to keep my body facing the wall, while pulling my right arm all the way around my body to hold the cigarette, while keeping my neck upright, my head forward and turned all the way to the left and my eyes still couldn't reach the camera, they just rolled into the side of my head. 

Yet...I cant wait to do more! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

After Watching Barnsong

My class watched a past WISE presentation video the other day, and we were asked to respond to it.

Did you have a better understanding about your project after watching Barnsong?

I think what was most prominent to me was that these projects are not ones to do last minute. Also, people are willing to help! Especially because it is a school project, people are definitely down to help a student out.

Do you have any questions/wonder about WISE projects?

After watching this video, no not really. I'm pretty confident (right now) in what I'm doing and thinking about my project and the idea of a WISE project as a whole.

Do you have any more project goals after watching Barnsong?

Only one. Get on it!! I want to finish all of my photographs and then some by the due date.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Lied

Because its still a bit nippy and snowy outside, my photographer and I decided not to shoot the photo of Grace Kelly until weather permits. Sad story.


This means that I have another photo I am planning to do next. (This Thursday.)

Coco Chanel

I can't wait to see how it turns out! im not sure how im going to make myself look like her, haha, but we will see! Wish me luck! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

On Becoming Twiggy Pt. 2

A shot from last weekend's photo shoot with George!

After shooting my first photograph, i've learned this is actually going to be very very difficult, but I am totally up for the challenge and I can't wait to do my next photo! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

On Becoming Twiggy

Hey guys! Tonight I practiced my makeup and hair to be Twiggy this saturday in my first photo shoot for my project! 

This is the reference if you havent seen my last post:

so beautiful

Before I realized my part was off.

The jaw line, the eyebrows, and the bottom "eye lashes" are the most important part of being Twiggy in this photograph. As you can see, there are a few other minor details that need tweaking, like my lips, my eye lids and the freckles need to be more defined!  

After letting my hair down, I enjoyed being able to pretend I was a whole different girl! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Making Hard Decisions

Guys I just ripped my whole pinky toe nail off. Pretty gross.

As for the hard decisions part of this post, I have decided the first two photos I will be recreating.
 Lesley Lawson, Better known as Twiggy 
Named the face of '86.
One of the very first international super models
Was picked up after images of her with her hair cut short were hung around a famous hair stylist's salon.
Grace Kelly
"Princess Consort of Monaco"
Started as an actress
Married Rainer III, Prince of monaco

I have no idea how I will make my hair look short. I suppose I will have to use a lot of hair gel and a lot of photoshop.
Wish me luck! 

I've always been a planner

I am unsure of how to make this post entertaining, so I'm sorry in advanced.

To plan out my next two weeks, I am going to make a list:

  1. Decide which picture I would like to work with first. 
  2. Contact my friend and favorite photographer, George Cannon and set up a time/place to meet him. 
  3. Contact peers that I think I would like to have help with a photograph that has more than one person. (They will be modeling as well.)
  4. Rummage through my closet, the local costume closets I have access to, and my makeup and decide what will help me portray the image I am recreating the best. 
  5. Look up hair tutorials if need be and/or contact a local wig place. 
  6. Practice my makeup/ hair the night before. AND ALSO GET A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!
  7. Which ever date/place we agree upon, meet George at said destination and have an amazing shoot.
  8. Photoshop the images+ save the finished piece for a later date. 

This makes it seem like I am taking the easy way out on this post, HOWEVER, I will be doing the same thing as said above, in my second week as well (if everything runs smoothly.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Something new, something different

Hey guys, welcome to my second blog! Although it is somewhat mandatory to run this one, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm pretty stoked.

This blog is going to track my progress in a project-- better yet an independent study, for a class called WISE (I have no idea what it stands for) that I have been taking this year. WISE class takes all of the material you'd learn over a course of two semesters, and squishes it into one semester. The second semester you have the awesome opportunity of doing an independent study on WHATEVER YOUR HEART DESIRES.

If you know anything about me, you're probably assuming my project will involve nail polish, fashion, or music. If you don't know me, Check out my other blog.

This project actually is not nail painting, or pretty outfits, or my favorite--dubstep.
For my project I will be
....wait for it.....


I am a mere 5'1" and I am going to do what I damn well please no matter what the bogus "standards" are in the real world.

I have always dreamt of modeling; but then again, which girl never had that dream cross their mind?
To be more specific, I will be recreating famous images of people and scenes with myself as the main character in each photograph. (EX: "The Kiss or Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast At Tiffany's.") I will also be asking the help of some of YOU if there is more than one person in an image.

This is going to take plenty of time and dedication looking up images after images after images via the internet and or the library.

My goals to make this dream of mine a reality are few, but big.

  • Portray what is in the original image in my own. I want people to look at the photograph of me and say "oh! thats Elizabeth Taylor in 'Cleopatra'"
  • Learn a little bit more about pop culture as well as the history behind these famous images as people. I would love to learn about how the famous "Barbie" came to be.
Short, sweet, and to the point. 

Thus far into my planning for my project, surprisingly, I am fearless.
...but im sure that will change.

We will all have to see where this awesome project takes me!
I am so excited to go on this journey with all of you.

IG me:Lilraych

Tweet me: Lilraych
Facebook me: Rachel Levine
Email me: rlev0606@yahoo.com