Monday, April 22, 2013

Partner Read

On the back of the "out of the rut" page, Mrs. Lord (or whoever typed this paper up) wrote "If you find yourself focusing on your project on an intimate level--very detailed, make sure to occasionally take a step back and address the macro or 'big picture' side of things."

What are the implications for your project on a career scale? 
Realistically: the chances of me following my project (on a broader spectrum) into a career, are slim to none. I am a mere 5'1 when PETITE models are at least 5'5-5'6
However, my project WILL provide me with insight of what craziness model's go through, and, going into the fashion industry, this information could be very valuable down the road--or it could simply just be something awesome to put on my resume and my college applications.

In what way does your project matter (or not!) in the larger scheme of things?
I can give two answers to this, one being very biased, and one being very general.
Biased: To me, pop culture has SO much influence on our world, on our government, our economy, our society, community, the way we treat people, EVERYTHING. In the larger scheme of things, this is another piece of art being put out into the world that can change someone, can affect someone, influence someone, my art could be someone's inspiration. My art could make people happy and feel...things.
General: This project, to an every day person who lives day to day that doesn't really have a negative feeling towards pop culture and art but doesn't hype about it like I do, might not really care. Some people could look at my art and simply just wonder what the hell they are looking at and why.

The gift of individual interpretation is pretty damn amazing.

What's a broader view or perspective on what you find yourself doing frequently?
I am always singing, or stepping waltz's and tap moves in the lunch line. I love putting on clothes and taking them off every night before I go to sleep, I love self improvement--be it mentally, physically, emotionally. I love bettering myself and thinking; I, every second of every single day, have a very detailed, very curious and in depth monologue that rolls through my head at all times. These all can tie in to perfecting my project.

1 comment:

  1. What an incredibly thoughtful response, examination of self, society, and your reader. I think you are stumbling into understandings that may better reveal themselves over time. Love it! Ms. L
