Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Hate Using My Computer

Let me be the first to admit that I do not blog 3 times a week. 
sometimes I go a whole week without blogging at all...

Although blogging for Wise is not my all...When I do blog, I am bursting with information and excitement to be posting, and isn't that what blogging is supposed to be all about? 

I love each and every post I write, and I publish them with the idea that I am sending MY gift of the knowledge they contain, to my lovely readers and out into the world. 

I love my project. 
I love getting dolled up and pretending to be different people all the time.
I love being the reason a photo makes sense.
Without me, these photos simply are light reflecting off of some backdrop paper and maybe a prop or two. 
I give every photo meaning just by getting dolled up and sitting there and smiling, scowling, or flirtatiously gazing with my two eyes directly into one larger one.  

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