Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I have done, what I need to get done

This is going to be a pretty straight forward post.
I'll even use fancy headers so you dont get confused!

What I Have done

  1. Participated in 7 photo shoots
  2. Planned my next (and last) photo shoot for this Thursday 
  3. Found my place of choice to hold my presentation
  4. Written my narrative assignment (however I plan on editing it)
  5. Come to some pretty crazy conclusions about what I like and do not like about the modeling/fashion world. Not simply just through my project, but it definitely has aided me in forming my opinions. 

What I Still Have to do

  1. Have my last photo shoot (this Thursday.)
  2. Send in my funding proposal. Most likely tonight.
  3. Once Thursday's shoot is done, complete, and edited, I must send all of my photos to mpix.com and have them printed as well as corked so I can hang them up. This will be about $200. 
  4. Write my bibliography and hand everything in to my evaluators.
  5. I should probably figure out who my peer evaluators are, huh?
  6. Decide how I will be presenting my project. Organize it. 

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