Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happiness Revisited

When I feel most happy..
I am laying comfortably in a hammock, in a car, in my toasty bed, reading a book that I love.
I wake up in the morning and see my handsome boyfriend's cute little smile he makes in his sleep.
I can sit peacefully, in an open, spacious area, in the grass, in a chair, on the floor, and not have a single worry in the world.
I am at Camp Bisco. (look it up, its the bomb)
I am driving around in the car with my elementary school best friends, gossiping about stupid things.

Responding to the article:
I think it's amazing how sharp and yet fuzzy this man's view on happiness is. I do agree with it, mostly. He found that people were most happy when they were doing something strenuous, hard, something that they loved but it took every cell in them to complete it. I definitely admit to feeling the same in that regard. I also find myself at my 100% happiest, when I am calm and worry free...not doing anything.

Where I am on the flow chart:
I am very much on the left and high side of anxiety. I constantly worry, and maybe that's why it is such a treat and utter bliss when I am not worrying. This has stayed pretty constant through my project, with it's highest points and it's lowest points, however now that I have recognized it ( I started looking in to it last week) I am learning how to tackle my worry and stress and anxiety. I am slowly creeping to the right zone of the flow chart.

How I can achieve flow:
I simply need to get my s!@# together. I am learning to feel better about myself and my life and my every day tasks, and that in itself is making me feel much better. I need to do things that make me happy and make me smile, and laugh, and forget about my worries. I am doing just that.

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