Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My next and last photo shoot

I am so excited for this one.
Instead of recreating someone else's image, Mrs. Spence suggested I do a shoot with myself as myself wearing clothes and jewelry that are symbolic of me. Doing my hair in my favorite way, as well as my make up.

I'm planning to do it in a field of flowers--probably at the plantations.

I am so excited to do this shoot!

What I have done, what I need to get done

This is going to be a pretty straight forward post.
I'll even use fancy headers so you dont get confused!

What I Have done

  1. Participated in 7 photo shoots
  2. Planned my next (and last) photo shoot for this Thursday 
  3. Found my place of choice to hold my presentation
  4. Written my narrative assignment (however I plan on editing it)
  5. Come to some pretty crazy conclusions about what I like and do not like about the modeling/fashion world. Not simply just through my project, but it definitely has aided me in forming my opinions. 

What I Still Have to do

  1. Have my last photo shoot (this Thursday.)
  2. Send in my funding proposal. Most likely tonight.
  3. Once Thursday's shoot is done, complete, and edited, I must send all of my photos to mpix.com and have them printed as well as corked so I can hang them up. This will be about $200. 
  4. Write my bibliography and hand everything in to my evaluators.
  5. I should probably figure out who my peer evaluators are, huh?
  6. Decide how I will be presenting my project. Organize it. 

Luke's Presentation

To start things off....his presentation was good....like....really good.
So good that I absolutely found myself wanting to play the harmonica the whole time he was presenting.

The monologue going through my head during Luke's presentation:

Wow, this is amazing.
He's really good at harmonica.
How am I supposed to present something this well?
How am I supposed to present my project in an organized way as it is?
This kid has awesome hair.
I have to talk to George.
I have to talk to Mrs. Spence.
I'm not blogging enough.
I really should be blogging more.
I'm going to blog when I get home!
Am I actually going to blog when I get home?
I really want to play video games when I get home...
I should really blog the second that I get home though.
Maybe I'll meet with George and Mrs. Spence at the same time.
...no that wont work..conflicting schedules.
I should do my next shoot this thursday definitely.

And repeat..

Well guys, here I am. My blog won the battle tonight!

In all seriousness though, Luke's presentation was absolutely amazing. I hope to have one half as good as his.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happiness Revisited

When I feel most happy..
I am laying comfortably in a hammock, in a car, in my toasty bed, reading a book that I love.
I wake up in the morning and see my handsome boyfriend's cute little smile he makes in his sleep.
I can sit peacefully, in an open, spacious area, in the grass, in a chair, on the floor, and not have a single worry in the world.
I am at Camp Bisco. (look it up, its the bomb)
I am driving around in the car with my elementary school best friends, gossiping about stupid things.

Responding to the article:
I think it's amazing how sharp and yet fuzzy this man's view on happiness is. I do agree with it, mostly. He found that people were most happy when they were doing something strenuous, hard, something that they loved but it took every cell in them to complete it. I definitely admit to feeling the same in that regard. I also find myself at my 100% happiest, when I am calm and worry free...not doing anything.

Where I am on the flow chart:
I am very much on the left and high side of anxiety. I constantly worry, and maybe that's why it is such a treat and utter bliss when I am not worrying. This has stayed pretty constant through my project, with it's highest points and it's lowest points, however now that I have recognized it ( I started looking in to it last week) I am learning how to tackle my worry and stress and anxiety. I am slowly creeping to the right zone of the flow chart.

How I can achieve flow:
I simply need to get my s!@# together. I am learning to feel better about myself and my life and my every day tasks, and that in itself is making me feel much better. I need to do things that make me happy and make me smile, and laugh, and forget about my worries. I am doing just that.

Responding to Deadlines

I thought this article had a lot of valuable information, and some that I did not agree with. I have always been a fan of declaring something that I need to do out loud to someone, especially if you find them attractive or have a crush on them...it always helps. It's the only way I motivate myself to go to the gym.

I DON'T however, agree that you should find someone harsh to make sure you are doing what you need to do....it is YOUR responsibility, and yours alone. It is no one else's job to take care of your dead lines. I set alarms on my phone like crazy to remind myself of deadlines and times and things I NEED to get done...you should see the calendar on my phone.

I am usually really good about deadlines because I worry too much and I force myself to take care of things the second they are given to me.

My Favorite Shoot

I was marilyn last week. 
Let me just say, it was quite the honor. 

Modeling for this shoot felt really natural to me. It didn't take longer than half an hour, and I felt so graceful, so elegant. 

I really want to post the photo I took to my blog, as I have already texted it to all of my friends, however, I will restrain myself and wait until my gallery!

I Hate Using My Computer

Let me be the first to admit that I do not blog 3 times a week. 
sometimes I go a whole week without blogging at all...

Although blogging for Wise is not my favorite....at all...When I do blog, I am bursting with information and excitement to be posting, and isn't that what blogging is supposed to be all about? 

I love each and every post I write, and I publish them with the idea that I am sending MY gift of the knowledge they contain, to my lovely readers and out into the world. 

I love my project. 
I love getting dolled up and pretending to be different people all the time.
I love being the reason a photo makes sense.
Without me, these photos simply are light reflecting off of some backdrop paper and maybe a prop or two. 
I give every photo meaning just by getting dolled up and sitting there and smiling, scowling, or flirtatiously gazing with my two eyes directly into one larger one.  

So Tough

Can't wait to be this lady tomorrow at George's! 
It looks to me like it will be pretty easy.

Rosie the Riveter

Behind the Scenes

My Boyfriend tagged along for my Barbie shoot (he was in it as Ken, ofcourse!) and he got a few good shots of what it looks like behind the scenes at a shoot. 

It's really easy to forget sometimes how much work people put in to what seems like an effortless outcome. Fortunately for me, the Barbie shoot took no more than half an hour!