Thursday, March 28, 2013

how my project plans have changed

The idea of my project in my head has changed quite a bit. Here's a list of the changes.

1. At the beginning, I had planned to produce one or two photographs every week. My life and Georges life is pretty busy, and sometimes we can't really sync up. Now we're down to one photo every two or one week. Luckily, this week I'm doing 3. 
2. I figured I would get in and get out when I went to George's. Not possible. These photos thus far have taken quite a bit of time and effort. 
3. I have been planning to do my Grace Kelly shoot for a month or two now, and the weather just hasn't been good enough to do it. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seven (pt. 2)

This is a list of seven things I want or need to know more about.
1. My top priority over break is to watch all the movies my photos originate from. Although I have seen a few of them, I'd still like to watch them all over again.
2. I'd really like to know a little bit more about some of my character's histories. I know a lot about Marilyn Monroe, and I have always ben fascinated with Barbie's history and how she came to be. Maybe I'll look for some books or documentaries over break.
3. I'd like to expand my photoshop skills. I have a little knowledge having taken my photoshop independent study, but I would really love to learn more. Not only for my project, but for college and for my future.
4. I'd like to maybe pick up a few photography skills along with this whole process. I believe this is a skill I could definitely benefit from in the future.

I honestly can not think of any other things I would like to or need to know more about. I'm sure that is definitely subject to change!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3 Things Spence should know

Spence being Mrs. Spence, my mentor.

1. I have definitely found myself in a little rut, but my plans for the week have guaranteed my digging myself out of said rut.
2. I haven't told her about the secret place I'm planning on holding my showing yet!
3. She might have access to a few of the materials I need to carry out a couple photographs! I'll ask her tomorrow!

My plans for this week

Here you are guys, my (crossing my fingers) plans up until Friday! I hope George knows what coming to him because I'm about to bring it!

why did i just say that.

This is my favorite photo of Marilyn Monroe 
Everything down to the red toes. Perfection.

The one lady who stuck by my side as a child. 
Why wouldn't I recreate her as myself?

Just to add to the photo, 
I will be adding my boyfriend who looks a lot like Ken to the mix as well!
Ps...we were Barbie and Ken for halloween!

Audrey Hepburn, straight out of Breakfast at Tiffany's!


yeah, hi. so. I will be needing these items for this week: -A long cigarette holder (Audrey Hepburn) -Bangs--I have no idea how I will pull that off. -A little black dress courtesy of my closet -Classy jewelry and a pretty sheer scarf (Grace Kelly) -A house with a greek post to pose against -Bangs again--Barbie. -My boyfriend to be available to be Ken in a portrait of Ken and Barbie -A Marilyn Monroe mole (self explanatory) -A tulle underskirt -A white strapless top OR a corset

Monday, March 25, 2013


This is a list of five people I think I should talk to about my project 1. The most important person is George Cannon, and to keep in contact with him for the remainder of my project. 2. The people in charge of the art gallery I will be showing my pieces in. 3. Gail Belokur who has a connection to the art gallery I will be showing my pieces in 4. Those who have agreed to be extra's in my photos 5. Student services to figure out how I will get George into my school for my Breakfast Club shoot.


This is a list of 7 things I'd like to accomplish in the next week:
1. Create the list of photos in order of what I would like to do from here on out.
2. Add TENTATIVE dates of when i'd like to shoot them, to said list of photos.
3. Figure out my extra's sizes for clothing for the breakfast club, ken of Barbie and ken, jack in the titanic, the two guys in some like it hot, and William in the photo of William and Kate.
4. Talk about funding for costumes for myself and my extras.
5. Take a trip to the salvo and the costume closet and come up with the outfits I need for myself and the outfits my extra's will need. 6. Have two to three shoots. 7. Get my art gallery plans set in motion (where I will be presenting my project)

Monday, March 18, 2013

It ain't easy being Coco.

Let me start off by saying that this project is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be.

If you haven't seen this photo already, this is Coco Chanel. I chose to recreate this image of her using myself as the model.

It was EXTREMELY difficult for George and I to figure out how the hell to do this one. This particular photo shoot took 2 hours. 
I have discovered quite a few things whilst trying to recreate this image.

1.Coco Chanel's arms are abnormally long. I couldn't pull my arm forward enough without turning my whole body around. 
2. If you turn your neck, it will get wrinkles. I have a small neck, and turning it at the slightest gave it the ugliest wrinkles. Thank god for photoshop.
3. Smoking is bad! 
4. There is no way she was actually looking directly at the camera, but close by it. As I tried to recreate this photo, I had to keep my body facing the wall, while pulling my right arm all the way around my body to hold the cigarette, while keeping my neck upright, my head forward and turned all the way to the left and my eyes still couldn't reach the camera, they just rolled into the side of my head. 

Yet...I cant wait to do more! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

After Watching Barnsong

My class watched a past WISE presentation video the other day, and we were asked to respond to it.

Did you have a better understanding about your project after watching Barnsong?

I think what was most prominent to me was that these projects are not ones to do last minute. Also, people are willing to help! Especially because it is a school project, people are definitely down to help a student out.

Do you have any questions/wonder about WISE projects?

After watching this video, no not really. I'm pretty confident (right now) in what I'm doing and thinking about my project and the idea of a WISE project as a whole.

Do you have any more project goals after watching Barnsong?

Only one. Get on it!! I want to finish all of my photographs and then some by the due date.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Lied

Because its still a bit nippy and snowy outside, my photographer and I decided not to shoot the photo of Grace Kelly until weather permits. Sad story.


This means that I have another photo I am planning to do next. (This Thursday.)

Coco Chanel

I can't wait to see how it turns out! im not sure how im going to make myself look like her, haha, but we will see! Wish me luck! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

On Becoming Twiggy Pt. 2

A shot from last weekend's photo shoot with George!

After shooting my first photograph, i've learned this is actually going to be very very difficult, but I am totally up for the challenge and I can't wait to do my next photo!