Thursday, February 21, 2013

On Becoming Twiggy

Hey guys! Tonight I practiced my makeup and hair to be Twiggy this saturday in my first photo shoot for my project! 

This is the reference if you havent seen my last post:

so beautiful

Before I realized my part was off.

The jaw line, the eyebrows, and the bottom "eye lashes" are the most important part of being Twiggy in this photograph. As you can see, there are a few other minor details that need tweaking, like my lips, my eye lids and the freckles need to be more defined!  

After letting my hair down, I enjoyed being able to pretend I was a whole different girl! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Making Hard Decisions

Guys I just ripped my whole pinky toe nail off. Pretty gross.

As for the hard decisions part of this post, I have decided the first two photos I will be recreating.
 Lesley Lawson, Better known as Twiggy 
Named the face of '86.
One of the very first international super models
Was picked up after images of her with her hair cut short were hung around a famous hair stylist's salon.
Grace Kelly
"Princess Consort of Monaco"
Started as an actress
Married Rainer III, Prince of monaco

I have no idea how I will make my hair look short. I suppose I will have to use a lot of hair gel and a lot of photoshop.
Wish me luck! 

I've always been a planner

I am unsure of how to make this post entertaining, so I'm sorry in advanced.

To plan out my next two weeks, I am going to make a list:

  1. Decide which picture I would like to work with first. 
  2. Contact my friend and favorite photographer, George Cannon and set up a time/place to meet him. 
  3. Contact peers that I think I would like to have help with a photograph that has more than one person. (They will be modeling as well.)
  4. Rummage through my closet, the local costume closets I have access to, and my makeup and decide what will help me portray the image I am recreating the best. 
  5. Look up hair tutorials if need be and/or contact a local wig place. 
  6. Practice my makeup/ hair the night before. AND ALSO GET A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!
  7. Which ever date/place we agree upon, meet George at said destination and have an amazing shoot.
  8. Photoshop the images+ save the finished piece for a later date. 

This makes it seem like I am taking the easy way out on this post, HOWEVER, I will be doing the same thing as said above, in my second week as well (if everything runs smoothly.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Something new, something different

Hey guys, welcome to my second blog! Although it is somewhat mandatory to run this one, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm pretty stoked.

This blog is going to track my progress in a project-- better yet an independent study, for a class called WISE (I have no idea what it stands for) that I have been taking this year. WISE class takes all of the material you'd learn over a course of two semesters, and squishes it into one semester. The second semester you have the awesome opportunity of doing an independent study on WHATEVER YOUR HEART DESIRES.

If you know anything about me, you're probably assuming my project will involve nail polish, fashion, or music. If you don't know me, Check out my other blog.

This project actually is not nail painting, or pretty outfits, or my favorite--dubstep.
For my project I will be
....wait for it.....


I am a mere 5'1" and I am going to do what I damn well please no matter what the bogus "standards" are in the real world.

I have always dreamt of modeling; but then again, which girl never had that dream cross their mind?
To be more specific, I will be recreating famous images of people and scenes with myself as the main character in each photograph. (EX: "The Kiss or Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast At Tiffany's.") I will also be asking the help of some of YOU if there is more than one person in an image.

This is going to take plenty of time and dedication looking up images after images after images via the internet and or the library.

My goals to make this dream of mine a reality are few, but big.

  • Portray what is in the original image in my own. I want people to look at the photograph of me and say "oh! thats Elizabeth Taylor in 'Cleopatra'"
  • Learn a little bit more about pop culture as well as the history behind these famous images as people. I would love to learn about how the famous "Barbie" came to be.
Short, sweet, and to the point. 

Thus far into my planning for my project, surprisingly, I am fearless.
...but im sure that will change.

We will all have to see where this awesome project takes me!
I am so excited to go on this journey with all of you.

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